About Us

About Us

Notserp builds intelligently engineered kitchens with excellent design and for every taste. For many people, Notserp kitchens reflect their attitude towards life. Our focus is always on: Quality. In the planning department. In the production department. In the processing and customer service departments. 

At Notserep our goal is to provide every customer with exactly the kitchen they want. As unique as the people living in them.

We pride ourselves on providing outstanding excellent value for money and customer service in order to guarantee that all of our clients are 100% satisfied .We have a keen eye for up-to-the minute design and extensive product knowledge, innovative spatial awareness, and a flair for interior design ideas. It is these values and skills that will make your visit to our showrooms a worthwhile and rewarding experience. 

Quality made in Germany – perceptible in every Notserp kitchens.
From receipt of goods to production and to delivery – nptserp has installed a sophisticated control system for all process steps, to guarantee the high quality of every single kitchen. In addition to the testing stations, up to 21 complete fitted kitchens are put through the paces of a quality audit every day. Quality, environment and energy have been core to our company philosophy since our very beginning. Every single Notserp kitchen meets the stringent international quality, environment and energy guidelines.

Our doors are
always open!

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We're committed to helping you in any way we can. 
Leave us a note and we'll get in touch with you shortly.
G6 Avonside Enterprise park , new broughton road,Melksham,SN128BT
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